Microsoft Word - Document1
Das japanische Volk und das Christentum
Rolf Beckh
Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism
Algis Uzdavinys
Wimot Robertson
Eliot, T.S. - Four Quartets (Faber, 1979)
T. S. Eliot
For Lancelot Andrewes: Essays on Style and Order
The Family Reunion
The Elder Statesman
Delphi Poetical Works of T. S. Eliot (Illustrated) (Delphi Poets ...
The Confidential Clerk
Eliot, T.S. - Complete Poems and Plays (Faber, 1969)
Eliot, T.S. - Collected Poems, 1909-1962 (Faber, 2002)
Collected Poems 1909-1962
The Cocktail Party
Christianity and Culture
The Annotated Waste Land with Eliot's Contemporary Prose
T.S. Eliot
Metamorphoses (Oxford World's Classics)
A. D. Melville & E. J. Kenney
The Metamorphoses
Ovid - Fasti (Oxford, 2011)
The Art of Love
John Milton Prose: Major Writings on Liberty, Politics, Religion, ...
John Milton
Paradise Lost (introduced by Philip Pullman)
Paradise Lost (edited by Barbara K. Lewalski)
Paradise Lost (Modern Library Classics)
John Milton & William Kerrigan & John Rumrich & Stephen M. Fallon
The Annotated Milton: Complete English Poems
Burton Raffel
The Vision of Simone Machard
Bertolt Brecht
Stories of Mr. Keuner
Saint Joan of the Stockyards
The Private Life of the Master Race
Poetry and Prose
The Mother
Mother Courage and Her Children
Manual of Piety (Die Hauspostille)