The Dispossessed Majority

Wilmot Robertson

Language: English


THE DISPOSSESSED MAJORITY WILMOT ROBERTSON In part an elegy, in part a galvanic recall to greatness, this mind-rousing book hammers home the theme that America has changed, and changed for the worse, not because of a hardening of its economic arteries, the Vietnam war, the generation gap, inflation or a callous disregard for Negroes, but because its once dominant population group, the Americans of Northern European descent, the Majority, has been reduced to second-class status. To put it more graphically, the sickness of America is the sickness of the American Majority, which is presently racked by a double infection: (1) the moral debility of liberalism, which has brought about a near-fatal split in the ranks of the Majority at the very time it should be most united; (2) the rampant virus of minority racism, which has sapped the Majority's powers of resistance and diluted its group consciousness. Sick to the point of moral disintegration, the Majority has become the loser in a racial war. In this context the book examines the backgrounds, strengths, and weaknesses of the combatants, with special emphasis on the assimilable and unassimilable minorities. It records the sorry chronicle of Majority reverses on all the important battlegrounds—cultural, religious, political, economic, and diplomatic. Since the liberal-minority coalition has emerged victorious on all fronts, it is not an overstatement to describe the losers as the Dispossessed Majority. The Majority's defeat is a great misfire of history, a harbinger of decadence and downfall. For the Majority is America. If the former goes, the latter goes, as recent events are making all too clear. The question is no longer the survival of hallowed political, legal, and economic dogmas, but the survival of Western man in the New World, and perhaps in the Old. Those who are assuming control of the United States have a long history of failure in the art of civilization. As always, what they cannot measure up to, they are driven to destroy. But there is still hope, and throughout the book many iconoclastic yet essential measures are proposed for the realization of this hope. The regeneration of a dying people is an all-or-nothing mission that will strain Majority capabilities to the limit. It is no easy task to reject the indoctrination of half a century, to rescue a magnificent idea from its despoilers, and to return to the very old in order to create the very new. • • • Wilmot Robertson is a native Pennsylvanian whose family goes back to colonial times and whose forebears fought on both sides of the Civil War. The author waited for decades for a qualified Majority scholar to write this book. Having waited in vain, he decided to take on the project himself and devoted ten years to it. His credentials are long periods of study in American and foreign universities, three years' overseas service as an army officer in World War II, a varied career in journalism, advertising, and small business and, above all, an overwhelming concern for the darkening tragedy of his people. THE DISPOSSESSED MAJORITY WHAT EXPERTS AND NONEXPERTS SAID ABOUT EARLIER EDITIONS "A work of vast scope and scholarship....It carries a heavy blow to the solar plexus.... The style is simple, lucid, and in places inspiring." —Carleton S. Coon, professor of anthropology, Harvard University. "A scholarly as well as an arresting study of the plight of the American Majority and the bearing of its predicament on the deterioration of our society. Wilmot Robertson presents a case which every concerned American should ponder." —Robert N. Cunningham, former dean, Phillips Exeter Academy. "I am, needless to relate, hypnotized, as if I were facing a cobra." —New England Social Registerite. "The appearance of a book like this only confirms . . . that the time was bound to come when the essential Western intellect, the author of all the scientific and technical marvels we see all around us, must at last turn its attention to the problems of Western man's fast worsening situation." —Publisher of international news digest. "One of the greatest books I have ever read. I do not know of any other work that has impressed me so much because of its authoritative content, the care with which statements have been documented, and the way in which it is written." —Alton Ochsner, The Ochsner Clinic. "Extremely readable, fascinating in content, and guaranteed to make the reader keep turning pages while he wonders about the future of his country." —Hart Fessenden, former headmaster, Fessenden School. "Politically the most important book published in this country since 1939— perhaps since 1917. It is a concise and strictly objective survey of all the essential aspects of our present plight, and it clearly identifies the causes that have now made the survival of the United States extremely doubtful." —Professor of classical literature. "A pioneering accomplishment of the first order. How long will this book last? Probably a century." —Air Force officer. "If I say wonderful book, I mean it. I have read it, and even reread some portions, with growing interest and also admiration.... I am so impressed by it, that I have recommended it to some of our Cabinet Ministers and Rectors of universities." —Foreign churchman. "The author thinks the unthinkable and says the unsayable." —New Jersey housewife.