The 33 Strategies of War

Robert Greene

Language: English

Publisher: Penguin


SUMMARY: Strategies for winning the subtle social game of everyday lifefrom the bestselling author of The 48 Laws of Power and The Art of Seduction Robert Greenes first two groundbreaking guides, The 48 Laws of Power and The Art of Seduction, espouse profound, timeless lessons from events in history to help readers vanquish an enemy or ensnare an unsuspecting victim. Now, with The 33 Strategies of War, Greene has crafted an important new addition to this ruthlessly unique series. Structured in Greenes trademark style, The 33 Strategies of War is a brilliant distillation of the strategies of battle that can help us gain mastery in the modern world. It is the I Ching of conflict, the contemporary companion to Sun-tzus Art of War.