Pallas Athene - Ethik des politischen Volkes
Hans Freyer
Volume 3, Number 2, 2005
The Revisionist (3.2)
The Ball Report (EN, 1993, 16 S., Scan)
John Ball
Epic Revisionism
David Brandenberger & Kevin M. F. Platt
Instructor Manual - draft 2
FMFM 6-4 Marine Rifle Company
FM 101-5
FM 700-80 Logistics
Infantry-Based Opposing Force Organization Guide
LAAWS XXI Project Office
FM 100-15 - Table of Contents
Mark C. Duncan
Risk Management
FM 100-7 Decisive Force
Force Integration
Susie Russell
Counterguerilla Operations
FM 100-5 Operations
FM 90-7 Combined Arms Obstacle Integration
FM 90-5 Jungle Operations
FM 90-3 Desert Operations - 24 August 1993
Visual Aircraft Recognition
LAAWS Program Management Office
Packaging of Material - Packing
FM 44-8 Combined Arms for Air Defense
Packaging of Material - Preservation
Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
Battlefield Weather Effects
Brigade and Battalion Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations
FM 34-52 Intelligence Interrogation
FM 34-45 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Electronic ...
George Conway
Echelons Above Corps (EAC), Intelligence and Electronic Warfare ...