Proserpine and Midas
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
FM 21-150 Hand to Hand Combat 1954
Brown, Ellen Hodgson; Web of Debt
Arlindo Veiga dos Santos - Maurras Defensor da Realidade
Os Desplantados
The Idea of Decentralism
Charles Maurras
Hitler - Born at Versailles
Léon Degrelle
Anatomy of female power: A masculinist dissection of matriarchy
Guia do Homem Honrado
Matriarchy Laid Bare - Masculinist Manifesto
O Homem Domado
Pathologizing Male Desire: Satyriasis, Masculinity, and Modern ...
Timothy Verhoeven
The Way of Men
Jack Donovan
The Way of the Superior Man: A Man's Guide to Mastering the ...
David Deida
A Decadência do Ocidente
O Homem e a Técnica - Uma Contribuição à Filosofia da Vida
Prussianism and Socialism
Oswald Spengler
Prussian Socialism
Hour of Decision
A journey to the earth's interior
Marshall B. Gardner
A Description of Rainbow City from the Hefferlin Manuscript
William C. Hefferlin
Hollow Planets
Jan P. Lamprecht
Genesis for the Space Race: The Inner Earth and the Extra Terrestrials
John B. Leith
This Hollow Earth
Warren Smith
A Arte da Guerra
A Mandrágora
Nicolau Maquiavel
Da Guerra e da Paz
Discorsi - Comentários Sobre a Primeira Década de Tito Lívio
Machiavelli and Us
Louis Althusser
Maquiavel em 90 Minutos
The 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene
The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior Is Almost Always Good ...
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Alastair Smith