Microsoft Word - A Journey to the Centre of the Earth.doc
Jules Verne
A Manual of Political Economy
Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy
Martin Heidegger
CMD 16 Nelson COV
PDQ Digital Media Solutions
Early Daoist Scriptures
Stephen R. Bokenkamp
The Metaphysics of Philosophical Daoism
Zheng Kai
Ancient Egyptian Literature - Volume II: The New Kingdom
Miriam Lichtheim
Ancient Egyptian Religion: An Interpretation
Henri Frankfort
A Handbook of Egyptian Religion
Adolf Erman
Ancient Egyptian Religion
Jaroslav Černý
Egyptian Magic: The Forbidden Secrets of Ancient Egypt
Joseph Toledano
The Religion of the Etruscans
Nancy Thomson de Grummond & Erika Simon
Votives, Places and Rituals in Etruscan Religion
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The Kalevala: Or Poems of the Kaleva District
Elias Lönnrot
Fragments of Lappish Mythology
Lars Levi Lӕstadius & Juha Pentikainen
Isidore of Seville's History of the Goths, Vandals, and Suevi
Isidore of Seville & Guido Donini & Gordon B. Ford Jr.
The Nibelungenlied: The Lay of the Nibelungs
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The Book of the Settlement of Iceland
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Gods of the Ancient Northmen
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Nine Worlds of Seid-Magic: Ecstasy and Neo-Shamanism in North ...
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The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe
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Seven Against Thebes
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Statius - Volume II
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The Trojan War: The Chronicles of Dictys of Crete and Dares ...
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Ancient Greek Divination
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Greek Oracles
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Worlds Full of Signs: Ancient Greek Divination in Context
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Magic and Ritual in the Ancient World
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Greek divination: A Study of Its Methods and Principles
W. R. Halliday
Cult and Koinon in Hellenistic Thessaly
Denver Graninger