SH 21-76: Ranger Handbook (July 1992)
US Army Infantry Training School
Panther-Fibel (1944, 119 S., Scan)
Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppen
Sonderkommando Auschwitz: Nine Eyewitness Testimonies Analyzed
Carlo Mattogno
Holocaust Handbooks (44)
The Universe in a Handkerchief
Martin Gardner
Graham, Robert Klark; The Future Of Man
Guyer, Michael F.; Being Well Born - An Introduction to Eugenics
Favored Races
Race Suicide
Jones, Philip; Racial Hybridity
Jordan, David Starr; Blood Of The Nation
Jordan, David, Starr; The Heredity Of Richard Roe
Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations
Lynn, Richard; Eugenics, A Reassessment
Lyttleton, E.; Eugenics Ethics And Religion
McDougall, William; National Welfare - National Decay
Nearing, Scott; The Super Race
Evolution, genetics and eugenics
Darwinism, medical progress and eugenics; the Cavendish lecture, ...
The groundwork of eugenics
Peile, J. H. F.; Eugenics And The Church
Pendell, Elmer; Why Civilizations Self-Destruct
Pollock, Horatio M.; Eugenics As A Factor In The Prevention ...
Popenoe, Paul; Applied Eugenics
Ravenhill, Alice; Eugenics Education For Women And Girls
Rhodes, Frederick A.; The Next Generation
Robinson, William J.; Eugenics And Marriage
Roper, A. G.; Ancient Eugenics
Race decadence, an examination of the causes of racial degeneracy ...
Saleeby, Caleb; Parenthood and Race Culture - An Outline Of ...
Saleeby, Caleb; The Eugenic Prospect - National And Racial
The Methods of Race-regeneration
The Progress of Eugenics
Race or mongrel: a brief history of the rise and fall of the ...