The Doctrine of Fascism
Benito Mussolini
The Rule of Law
Tom Bingham
The Beginnings of Rome
Tim Cornell
Peter Paret - Makers of Modern Strategy; from Machiavelli to ...
Peter L. Berger - The Social Construction of Reality_ A Treatise ...
Pesch, Heinrich; Ethics and the National Economy
The Perspective of the World
Fernard Braudel
Civilization and Capitalism 15th-18th Century (3)
Perputual War for Perpetual Peace
Harry Elmer Barnes
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace
Peron and Peronism
Kerry Bolton
Pernoud, Régine; Those Terrible Middle Ages - Debunking the ...
Pernicious Tolerance
Robert Weissberg
Permanent Record
Edward Snowden
Perloff, James; China Betrayed into Communism
Perkins, John; Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Perkins, Adam; The Welfare Trait
Perkins - Prologue to War_England and the US 1805-1812
The Perils of Certain English Prisoners
Charles Dickens
Clive S. Lewis
Space Trilogy (2)
Percy Bysshe Shelley - The Complete Poems Vol 1
Perceval: The Story of the Grail (trans. Bryant)
Chrétien de Troyes
Perceval: the story of the grail
Chreitien de Troyes
Chre'tien. & Nigel Bryant
A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary ...
Kevin B. MacDonald
A People That Shall Dwell Alone
Kevin MacDonald
The Pentagon's Brain
Annie Jacobsen
Pendell, Elmer; Why Civilizations Self-Destruct
The Peloponnesian War, Books I-IV (Hobbes translation)
Peile, J. H. F.; Eugenics And The Church
Pearson, Roger; Blood Groups and Race
Pearson, George; Towards One World