Memories And Reflections(1852-[..]
The Earl Of Oxford And Asquith
The Organon, Or Logical Treatises, of Aristotle
The Birth of Tragedy & Other Writings
Friedrich Nietzsche
The Destruction of Paganism in the Roman Empire From Constantine ...
Jefferson and/or Mussolini
Magika Hiera: Ancient Greek Magic & Religion
Christopher A. Faraone & Dirk Obbink
Ken Dowden
Interpreting Early Hellenistic Religion: A Study Based On The ...
Petra Pakkanen
In the Dark Places of Wisdom
Peter Kingsley
In Search of God the Mother: The Cult of Anatolian Cybele
Lynn E. Roller
Hittite Texts and Greek Religion: Contact, Interaction, and ...
Ian Rutherford
Greeks and Pre-Greeks: Aegean Prehistory and Greek Heroic Tradition
Margalit Finkelberg
Greek Votive Offerings: An Essay in The History of Greek Religion
William Henry Denham Rouse
Greek Virginity
Giulia Sissa
Greek Nymphs: Myth, Cult, Lore
Jennifer Larson
Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology and Ritual of Ancient Greek ...
Michael B. Cosmopoulos
Apollo: The Wind, the Spirit, and the God : Four Studies
Karl Kerenyi
Ancient Greek Cults: A Guide
A Local History of Greek Polytheism: Gods, People and the Land ...
Irene Polinskaya
A History of Pythagoreanism
Carl A. Huffman
A Different God?: Dionysos and Ancient Polytheism
Renate Schlesier
A Companion to Greek Religion
Daniel Ogden
Cult and Koinon in Hellenistic Thessaly
Denver Graninger
Greek divination: A Study of Its Methods and Principles
W. R. Halliday
Magic and Ritual in the Ancient World
Paul Mirecki & Marvin Meyer
Worlds Full of Signs: Ancient Greek Divination in Context
Kim Beerden
Greek Oracles
H. W. Parke
Ancient Greek Divination
Sarah Iles Johnston
The Trojan War: The Chronicles of Dictys of Crete and Dares ...
Richard M. Frazer
The Trojan Epic: Posthomerica
Quintus of Smyrna & Alan James
Statius - Volume II
J. H. Mozley
Statius - Volume I
Seven Against Thebes
Aeschylus & Anthony Hecht & Helen H. Bacon
Hesiod: Theogony, Works and Days - Testimonia
Hesiod & Glenn W. Most