Richmond, Walter T.; iHasta la Vista Europe!
Porter, Carlos Whitlock - Requiem for Rhodesia
A Genealogical Interpretation of Principal Components Analysis
Cross-Cultural Differences in Newborn Behavior - video dailymotion
Evo and Proud_ Apples, oranges, and genes
Evo and Proud_ Trans-species polymorphisms
Gene Expression - Why race as a biological construct matters
Human Sociobiology_ A Holistic Approach (Dan Freedman) _ Mutation ...
Information Processing_ _No scientific basis for race_
Information Processing_ Human genetic variation, Fst and Lewontin's ...
Information Processing_ Learning can hurt
Information Processing_ Rare variants and human genetic diversity
Information Processing_ What's New Since Montagu_
Jayman - How Much Hard Evidence Do You Need
JayMan - Summary of Corrections to the Gated Institutional Narrative
Population Structure and Eigenanalysis
West Hunter - Lewontin’s argument
West Hunter - Phenotypes vs genetic statistics
(Blackwell companions to philosophy) A Companion to Analytic ...
(Blackwell Companions to Philosophy) A Companion to Aristotle
(Blackwell companions to philosophy) A Companion to Continental ...
(Blackwell Companions to Philosophy) A Companion to Nietzsche
Adam Wallace - Primer et Cetera Vol. II
Adam Wallace - Primer Et Cetera
Anthony Smith - The Ethnic Origins of Nations
Neoreactionary Canon
Francis Fukuyama - Our Posthuman Future_ Consequences of the ...
The Essential Frithjof Schuon (Library of Perennial Philosophy)