Microsoft Word - Document1
The Protocols and World Revolution (1920)
The Jewish Strategy (2002)
Microsoft Word - Document2
Piper, Michael Collins; The Golem - A World Held Hostage
Radl, Karl; Semitic Controversies
For Fear of the Jews (1982)
The Track of The Jew Through The Ages
Ross, Malcolm; Spectre of Power
Samuel, Maurice; You Gentiles!
Sanderson, Brenton; The War on White Australia
Solzhenitsyn - 200 Years Together - Complete
Solzhenitsyn - Two Hundred Years Together - Complete-English-[..]
The Jews - 100 Facts
The Modern Jew
Welcome To The Clifford Shack Site
The original Mr. Jacobs: a startling exposé
Microsoft Word - The Hidden Tyranny.doc
Williams, Robert H.; The Ultimate World Order
The Hidden Hand; The Protocols and the Coming Superman. (1934)
Young, L.; Deadlier than the H-Bomb