The New Unhappy Lords (1965)
Huntford, Roland; The New Totalitarians
Kupelian, David; The Marketing of Evil
Ludovici, Anthony Mario; The Specious Origins of Liberalism
A defence of aristocracy : a text book for Tories
Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom
Barnes, Harry Elmer - Globaloney
If America fail; our national mission and our possible future
Brimelow, Peter - Alien Nation; Common Sense About America's ...
Carto, Willis; Populism vs Plutocracy
Chittum, Thomas W.; Civil War Two - The Coming Breakup of America
Hawley, George; Right-Wing Critics of American Conservatism
King, Mike S.; Killing America; A 100 Year Murder, 40 Historical ...
F:\Scans\America's Decline\old_Insta[..]
High Priests of War
The Old world in the New; the significance of past and present ...
Gottfried, Paul Edward - After Liberalism - Mass Democracy in ...
Hoppe, Hans-Hermann; Democracy - The God That Failed
The false assumptions of "democracy"
Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
Sokal & Bricmont; Fashionable Nonsense
The Politiclly Correct University: Problems, Scope, and Reform
Whitaker, Robert W.; Why Johnny Can't Think - America's Professor-Priesthood
Windschuttle, Keith; The Killing of History
Microsoft Word - Hijra_03-28-15_06[..] print.doc
Fjordman; Defeating Eurabia
Easy Meat: Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex-Slavery