Light on racial issues
Collected Misc. Works
James N. Mason
Die Grundlagen des 19. Jahrhunderts
Houston Stewart Chamberlain
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783
The Gold-Bug
Edgar Allan Poe
The Golden Bough
James George Frazer
The Jerusalem Talmud
Jacob Neusner & Tzvee Zahavy
The Jewish Onslaught
Tony Martin
Kabbalah for Beginners
Michael Laitman
The Language of Demons and Angels
Chistopher I. Lehrich
The Lesser Key of Solomon, Goetia: The Book of Evil Spirits
Dr. L. W. de Laurence
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry
Manly P. Hall
The Meme Machine
Susan Blackmore & Susan J. Blackmore
The Mystic Spiral
Jill Purce
The negroes in negroland; The negroes in America; And negroes ...
Hinton Rowan Helper
The Political Economy of Stalinism
Paul R. Gregory
The Religion of Odin
Irv Slauson
The Upanishads
Swami Paramananda
The Vedas
Dharmic Scriptures Team
The Way of Initiation; or, How to Attain Knowledge of the Higher ...
Rudolf Steiner
The Winged Beetle
Aleister Crowley
The Zohar
The Early Goebbels Diaries, 1925-1926
Dr. Joseph Goebbels
The Emerald Tablets
The Franklin Cover-up
John W. DeCamp
The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation
Hans Dieter Betz
The Book of Enoch
George H. Schodde
The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
The Gulag Archipelago - Volume 1
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
The Gulag Archipelago (1)
The Gulag Archipelago - Volume 2
The Gulag Archipelago (2)
The Gulag Archipelago - Volume 3
The Gulag Archipelago (3)
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Friedrich Nietzsche
The Time Machine
H. G. Wells