Das Wesen der soldatischen Erziehung
Friedrich Altrichter
Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin
Dietrich Eckart
Mercado, Paula; Secret Wonder Weapons Of The Third Reich - German ...
Simpson, William G.; Lie Of The Six Million
Dithyrambs of Dionysus
Friedrich Nietzsche
Ece Homo & The Antichrist
Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is [trans. Large]
Political Writings of Friedrich Nietzsche
Frank Cameron & Don Dombrowsky (eds.)
The Peacock and the Buffalo: The Poetry of Nietzsche
James Luchte (trans.)
Selected Letters of Friedrich Nietzsche
Christopher Middelton (ed.)
Who Is Nietzsche's Zarathustra?
Martin Heidegger
What is Metaphysics?
The Phenomenology of Religious Life
Martin Heidegger & Matthias Fritsch & Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei
Nature, History, State
Martin Heidegger & Gregory Fried & Richard Polt
Mindfulness (Bloomsbury Revelations)
Introduction to Metaphysics
Interpretation of Nietzsche's Second Untimely Meditation
Martin Heidegger & Ullrich Haase & Mark Sinclair
Hölderlin's Hymns "Germania" and "The Rhine"
Martin Heidegger & William McNeill & Julia Ireland
The History of Beyng
Martin Heidegger & Jeffrey Powell & William McNeill
The Heidegger-Jaspers Correspondence
Four Seminars
Heidegger & Martin & Mitchell & Andrew J. & Raffoul & François
The Essence of Truth: On Plato's Cave Allegory and Theaetetus ...
Essays in Metaphysics
Correspondence 1949-1975
Timothy Sean Quinn & Ernst Jünger
Towards the Definition of Philosophy
What is a Thing?
What is Called Thinking?
Zollikon Seminars
Nietzsche, Vols. I & II
Ponderings VII–XI: Black Notebooks 1938-1939
Ponderings XII-XV: Black Notebooks 1939-1941
The Principle of Reason
The Question Concerning Technology & Other Essays