Eurasian Mission: An Introduction to Neo-Eurasianism
Alexander Dugin
Chełmno: A German Camp in History and Propaganda
Carlo Mattogno
Holocaust Handbooks (23)
Peron and Peronism
Kerry Bolton
Garrett, Henry E.; IQ and Racial Differences
The Concept of Time (trans. Ingo Farin)
Martin Heidegger
Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning)
Aristotle's Metaphysics
Basic Concepts
Basic Concepts of Ancient Philosophy
Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy
The Basic Problems of Phenomenology
Basic Problems of Phenomenology
Basic Questions of Philosophy
Basic Writings
The Beginning of Western Philosophy
Being and Time (Macquarrie & Robinson, trans.)
John Shand
Fundamentals of Philosophy
Aurelius, Marcus; Meditations
Julius Evola - Hermetic Tradition
Julius Evola
The Metaphysics of Sex
The Path of Enlightenment in the Mithraic Mysteries
The Tragedy of the Romanian 'Iron Guard' : Codreanu
The Yoga of Power
Mystery of the Grail
Notes on the Third Reich
Hitler and the Secret Societies
Path of the Cinnabar
Julius Evola - Race as a Builder of Leaders
Recognitions: Studies on Men and Problems from the Perspective ...